Francesco Lanzillotta

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Francesco Lanzillotta is considered one of his generation most interesting conductors. In recent years he has regularly performed in some of the most prestigious Italian operahouses.

He has also made regular collaborations with important orchestral institutions such as Orchestra Nazionale della RAI di Torino, Swiss Italian Orchestra, Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali in Milano, Orchestra Haydn in Bolzano, Filarmonica Toscanini in Parma, Orchestra Regionale Toscana in Florence.

He has been music director of Orchestra Filarmonica Toscanini for four years where he continues a regular partnership for many projects.

He has also strongly devoted to twentieth century music and contemporary music and opera.  ,He conducted Il medico dei pazzi by Battistelli at Opéra de Nancy and at La Fenice di Venezia, where he also conducted La voix humaine and Janàček Zápisník zmizelého. ,

He inaugurated the Macerata Opera Festival 2015 conducting Rigoletto and in the 2017 he has been appointed Music Director of the Festival. During the 2016-17 season he made his debuts with Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, National Opera Theatre of Montpellier, Essen Opera Theatre and at the Rossini Opera Festival of Pesaro with Torvaldo e Dorliska, where he is unanimously acclaimed by the critics.

Future engagements include Guillaume Tell at the Opéra de Lausanne, Gala Verdiano at the Festival Verdi in Parma, La vita è sogno at the Teatro La Fenice di Venezia, La Cenerentola at the Teatro Filarmonico in Verona, the diptych Mavra/Gianni Schicchi at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Norma at the Theater an der Wien, Andrea Chénier at the Teatro Regio di Parma.

He conducted Lucia di Lammermoor at the Opéra de Toulon, Nabucco at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin, La Bohème and La Traviata at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, Rigoletto at the Semperoper in Dresden and in Lyon, Macbeth at the Zurich Opernhaus, 7minuti (new opera by Battistelli) at the Opéra National de Lorraine in Nancy, La Favorite, Il Pirata and Nabucco in Palermo, Le nozze di Figaro in Moscow and Beijing, Risurrezione and West Side Story in Florence, Il viaggio a Reims in Valencia, L'elisir d'amore, Carmen, Don Giovanni and Aida in Macerata, L'elisir d'amore in Paris TCE and Rome, Norma in Turin, La Traviata and the new production of Dallapiccola's Ulisse at the Oper Frankfurt, La Bohème in Munich, I Puritani and Andrea Chénier at the Wiener Staatsoper, the project Bastarda at La Monnaie, L'elisir d'amore in Rome, La Traviata at the Deutsche Oper and Bayerische Staatsoper, La Bohème at the San Carlo, La Rondine in Turin, La Sonnambula at the Teatro dell'Opera in Rome, Aladino e la lampada magica at the Festival della Valle d'Itria.

He is also regularly invited by Tokyo Philharmonic, RAI Orchestra of Turin, Czech Philharmonic.


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